
Key Publications

Transient opening of tricellular vertices controls paracellular transport through the follicle epithelium during Drosophila oogenesis
Jone Isasti-Sanchez, Fenja Münz-Zeise, Mylène Lancino, Stefan Luschnig | Developmental Cell | | Volume: 56 | Issue: 8 | P1083-1099.e5 | | Abstract
The Transmembrane Proteins M6 and Anakonda Cooperate to Initiate Tricellular Junction Assembly in Epithelia of Drosophila
Wittek A, Hollmann M, Schleutker R, Luschnig S | Current Biology | | Volume: 30 | Issue: 21 | P4254-4262.e5
Matrix metalloproteinase 1 modulates invasive behavior of tracheal branches during entry into Drosophila flight muscles.
Sauerwald J, Backer W, Matzat T, Schnorrer F, Luschnig, S
| eLife | | pii: e48857 | | Abstract
A genetically encoded biosensor for visualizing hypoxia responses in vivo
Misra T, Baccino-Calace M, Meyenhofer F, Rodriguez-Crespo D, Akarsu H, Armenta-Calderon R, Gorr TA, Frei C, Cantera R, Egger B, Luschnig S | Biology Open | | Abstract
Staccato/Unc-13-4 controls secretory lysosome-mediated lumen fusion during epithelial tube anastomosis
Caviglia S, Fischer EJ, Brankatschk M, Eaton S, Luschnig S | Nature Cell Biology | | Volume: 18 | Issue: 7 | 1-26 | | Abstract
The triple-repeat protein Anakonda controls epithelial tricellular junction formation in Drosophila
Byri S, Misra T, Syed ZA, Bätz T, Shah J, Boril L, Glashauser J, Aegerter-Wilmsen T, Matzat T, Moussian B, Uv A, Luschnig S | Developmental Cell | | Volume: 33 | Issue: 5 | 535-48 | | Abstract
Src42A-dependent polarized cell shape changes mediate epithelial tube elongation in Drosophila
Förster D, Luschnig S | Nature Cell Biology | | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | 526-34 | | Abstract

Alle Publikationen


A robust and tunable system for targeted cell ablation in developing embryos
Labbaf, Z., Petratou, K., Ermlich, L., Backer, W., Tarbashevich, K., Reichman-Fried, M., Luschnig, S., Schulte-Merker, S., and Raz, E. | Developmental Cell | Abstract
PI(4,5)P2 controls slit diaphragm formation and endocytosis in Drosophila nephrocytes.
Gass, M., Borkowsky, S., Lotz, M.-L., Siwek, R., Schröter, R., Nedvetsky, P., Luschnig, S., Rohlmann, A., Missler, M., and Krahn, M.P. | Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences | Volume: 79 | Issue: 5 | 248 | Abstract
Tracheal tube fusion in Drosophila involves release of extracellular vesicles from multivesicular bodies.
Camelo, C., Körte, A., Jacobs, T., and Luschnig, S. | Journal of Cell Science | Volume: 135 | Issue: 3 | Abstract


Transient opening of tricellular vertices controls paracellular transport through the follicle epithelium during Drosophila oogenesis
Jone Isasti-Sanchez, Fenja Münz-Zeise, Mylène Lancino, Stefan Luschnig | Developmental Cell | Volume: 56 | Issue: 8 | P1083-1099.e5 | | Abstract


Using migrating cells as probes to illuminate features in live embryonic tissues.
Gross-Thebing S, Truszkowski L, Tenbrinck D, Sánchez-Iranzo H, Camelo C, Westerich KJ, Singh A, Maier P, Prengel J, Lange P, Hüwel J, Gaede F, Sasse R, Vos BE, Betz T, Matis M, Prevedel R, Luschnig S, Diz-Muñoz A, Burger M, Raz E. | Science Advances | Volume: 6 | Issue: 49 | eabc5546 | Abstract
Cells into tubes: Molecular and physical principles underlying lumen formation in tubular organs
Carolina Camelo, Stefan Luschnig | Current Topics in Developmental Biology | Volume: 143 | 37-74 | | Abstract
The Transmembrane Proteins M6 and Anakonda Cooperate to Initiate Tricellular Junction Assembly in Epithelia of Drosophila
Wittek A, Hollmann M, Schleutker R, Luschnig S | Current Biology | Volume: 30 | Issue: 21 | P4254-4262.e5


Matrix metalloproteinase 1 modulates invasive behavior of tracheal branches during entry into Drosophila flight muscles.
Sauerwald J, Backer W, Matzat T, Schnorrer F, Luschnig, S
| eLife | pii: e48857 | | Abstract


Multiple Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Processes Require Smg5 in Drosophila.
Nelson, J.O., Förster, D., Frizzell, K.A., Luschnig, S., and Metzstein, M.M. | Genetics | Abstract
Polarization-resolved microscopy reveals a muscle myosin motor-independent mechanism of molecular actin ordering during sarcomere maturation.
Loison, O., Weitkunat, M., Kaya-Çopur, A., Nascimento Alves, C., Matzat, T., Spletter, M.L., Luschnig, S., Brasselet, S., Lenne, P.-F., and Schnorrer, F. | PLoS Biology | Volume: 16 | Issue: 4 | e2004718. | Abstract
The adherens junction-associated LIM domain protein Smallish regulates epithelial morphogenesis.
Beati, H., Peek, I., Hordowska, P., Honemann-Capito, M., Glashauser, J., Renschler, F.A., Kakanj, P., Ramrath, A., Leptin, M., Luschnig, S., Wiesner, S., and Wodarz, A. | Journal of Cell Biology | Volume: 217 | Issue: 3 | 1079–1095 | Abstract


Rabs on the fly: Functions of Rab GTPases during development
Caviglia S, Flores-Benitez, David, Lattner, Johanna, Luschnig S | Small GTPases | | Abstract
Faithful mRNA splicing depends on the Prp19 complex subunit faint sausage and is required for tracheal branching morphogenesis in Drosophila.
Sauerwald J, Soneson C, Robinson MD, Luschnig S | Development | | Abstract


A genetically encoded biosensor for visualizing hypoxia responses in vivo
Misra T, Baccino-Calace M, Meyenhofer F, Rodriguez-Crespo D, Akarsu H, Armenta-Calderon R, Gorr TA, Frei C, Cantera R, Egger B, Luschnig S | Biology Open | Abstract
Staccato/Unc-13-4 controls secretory lysosome-mediated lumen fusion during epithelial tube anastomosis
Caviglia S, Fischer EJ, Brankatschk M, Eaton S, Luschnig S | Nature Cell Biology | Volume: 18 | Issue: 7 | 1-26 | | Abstract
miR-190 enhances HIF-dependent responses to hypoxia in Drosophila by inhibiting the prolyl-4-hydroxylase Fatiga
De Lella Ezcurra AL, Bertolin AP, Kim K, Katz MJ, Gándara L, Misra T, Luschnig S, Perrimon N, Melani M, Wappner P | PLoS Genetics | Volume: 12 | e1006073 | | Abstract


The triple-repeat protein Anakonda controls epithelial tricellular junction formation in Drosophila
Byri S, Misra T, Syed ZA, Bätz T, Shah J, Boril L, Glashauser J, Aegerter-Wilmsen T, Matzat T, Moussian B, Uv A, Luschnig S | Developmental Cell | Volume: 33 | Issue: 5 | 535-48 | | Abstract


Tube fusion: making connections in branched tubular networks
Caviglia S, Luschnig S | Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology | Volume: 31 | 82-90 | | Abstract
The Macroglobulin complement-related transmembrane protein Mcr is essential for septate junction formation and epithelial barrier function in Drosophila
Bätz T, Förster D, Luschnig S | Development | Volume: 141 | Issue: 4 | 899-908 | | Abstract
Luminal matrices: An inside view on organ morphogenesis
Luschnig S, Uv A | Experimental Cell Research | Volume: 321 | Issue: 1 | 64-70 | | Abstract


The ETS domain transcriptional repressor Anterior open inhibits MAP Kinase and Wingless signaling to couple tracheal cell fate with branch identity
Caviglia S, Luschnig S | Development | Volume: 140 | Issue: 6 | 1240-49 | | Abstract


Src42A-dependent polarized cell shape changes mediate epithelial tube elongation in Drosophila
Förster D, Luschnig S | Nature Cell Biology | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | 526-34 | | Abstract
The Drosophila Sec7 domain Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor protein Gartenzwerg localizes at the cis-Golgi and is essential for epithelial tube expansion
Armbruster K, Luschnig S | Journal of Cell Science | Volume: 125 | Issue: 5 | 1318–28 | | Abstract


Control of germline torso expression by the BTB/POZ domain protein Pipsqueak is required for embryonic terminal patterning in Drosophila
Grillo M, Furriols M, Casanova J, Luschnig S | Genetics | Volume: 187 | Issue: 2 | 513-21 | | Abstract


Localization and Activation of the Drosophila Protease Easter Requires 
the Saposin-Like ER Protein Seele
Stein D, Charatsi I, Zhang Z, Cho YS, Nguyen J, Delotto R, Luschnig S | Current Biology | Volume: 20 | Issue: 21 | 1953-58 | | Abstract
Sec24-dependent secretion drives cell-autonomous expansion of tracheal tubes in Drosophila
Förster D, Armbruster K, Luschnig S | Current Biology | Volume: 20 | Issue: 1 | 62-68 | | Abstract


Kinase-activity-independent functions of atypical protein kinase C in Drosophila
Kim S, Gailite I, Moussian B, Luschnig S, Goette M, Fricke K, Honemann-Capito M, Grubmüller H, Wodarz A | Journal of Cell Science | Volume: 122 | Issue: 20 | 3759-71 | | Abstract


gammaCOP is required for apical protein secretion and epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Grieder NC, Caussinus E, Parker DS, Cadigan K, Affolter M, Luschnig S | PLoS ONE | Volume: 3 | Issue: 9 | e3241 | | Abstract
Wollknäuel is required for embryo patterning and encodes the Drosophila ALG5 UDP-glucose:dolichyl-phosphate glucosyltransferase
Haecker A, Bergman M, Neupert C, Moussian B, Luschnig S, Aebi M, Mannervik M | Development | Volume: 135 | 1745-49 | | Abstract
Pumilio Binds para mRNA and Requires Nanos and Brat to Regulate Sodium Current in Drosophila Motoneurons
Muraro NI, Weston AJ, Gerber AP, Luschnig S, Moffat KG, Baines RA | Journal of Neuroscience | Volume: 28 | Issue: 9 | 2099-109 | | Abstract


Drosophila brakeless interacts with atrophin and is required for tailless-mediated transcriptional repression in early embryos
Haecker A, Qi D, Lilja T, Moussian B, Andrioli LP, Luschnig S, Mannervik M | PLoS Biology | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | e145 | | Abstract


Genome-wide identification of mRNAs associated with the translational regulator PUMILIO in Drosophila melanogaster
Gerber AP, Luschnig S, Krasnow MA, Brown PO, Herschlag D | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | Volume: 103 | Issue: 12 | 4487–92 | | Abstract
serpentine and vermiform encode matrix proteins with chitin binding and deacetylation domains that limit tracheal tube length in Drosophila
Luschnig S, Bätz T, Armbruster K, Krasnow MA | Current Biology | Volume: 16 | Issue: 2 | 186-94 | | Abstract


Requirement for chitin biosynthesis in epithelial tube morphogenesis
Devine WP, Lubarsky B, Shaw K, Luschnig S, Messina L, Krasnow MA | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | Volume: 102 | 17014-19 | | Abstract


Drosophila p24 homologues eclair and baiser are necessary for the activity of the maternally expressed Tkv receptor during early embryogenesis
Bartoszewski S, Luschnig S, Desjeux I, Grosshans J, Nüsslein-Volhard C | Mechanisms of Development | Volume: 121 | Issue: 10 | 1259-73 | | Abstract
An F1 genetic screen for maternal-effect mutations affecting embryonic pattern formation in Drosophila melanogaster
Luschnig S, Moussian B, Krauss J, Desjeux I, Perkovic J, Nüsslein-Volhard C | Genetics | Volume: 167 | Issue: 1 | 325-42 | | Abstract


Branching morphogenesis of the Drosophila tracheal system
Ghabrial A, Luschnig S, Metzstein MM, Krasnow MA | Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology | Volume: 19 | 623-47 | | Abstract
Krapfen/dMyd88 is required for the establishment of dorsoventral pattern in the Drosophila embryo
Charatsi I, Luschnig S, Bartoszewski S, Nüsslein-Volhard C, Moussian B | Mechanisms of Development | Volume: 120 | Issue: 2 | 219-26 | | Abstract


Gamma-tubulin37C and gamma-tubulin ring complex protein 75 are essential for bicoid RNA localization during Drosophila oogenesis
Schnorrer F, Luschnig S, Koch I, Nüsslein-Volhard C | Developmental Cell | Volume: 3 | Issue: 5 | 685-96 | | Abstract


The Drosophila SHC adaptor protein is required for signaling by a subset of receptor tyrosine kinases
Luschnig S, Krauss J, Bohmann K, Desjeux I, Nüsslein-Volhard C | Molecular Cell | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | 231-41 | | Abstract